Friday, 13 September 2019

Home made Pate

Its been a long time since I have been on here and i nearly forgot about this platform. The place it all started my writing on the internet. Now I mainly blog on my main site Cheap Dinner Ideas

Homemade Pate 

Pate The Ingredients And When to Buy

The chicken livers to make the pate you can buy frozen for 60p per 250g, its always available. I usually add pork to my pate recipe and I always for a reduced piece of pork. This recipe I stumbled across a couple of pieces of belly pork reduced, perfect as belly pork has enough fat content for it al to bind the recipe together when it sets. Just cut there rind of and use the rest.
I also grabbed a fennel bulb that was reduced to lees than half price so that would give it great flavour as well. The great thing about homemade pate is that you can add or take away any ingredients you wish.


  • 250g chicken livers 
  • 200g of pork (better if its quite fatty pork) cubed 
  • 1 small onion 
  • 15g of fennel (freeze the rest for stews) 
  • 1 clove of garlic 
  • 2 sprigs of thyme 
  • 50ml cream 
  • 3tsp of masala wine (of brandy) 
  • 3 mushrooms chopped (brown capped add more flavour)


In a frying pan start add the onion finely chopped and allow to sweat a little add  the cubed pork, season well cook for 4 minutes turning it so it browns on all sides Now add the chopped fennel, crushed garlic thyme and mushrooms Allow the mushrooms to start cooking and then add the chicken livers
Pork Pate Recipe  full instructions